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七年级下册英语知识点仁爱版_七年级下册英语知识点 2023-05-30 05:06:12  来源:互联网


1、仁爱七年级下册词组***.topic 1wake up. /wake sb up 醒来,叫醒某人want to do sth 想做某事get up early/late 早/ 迟起by+交通工具 on footon weekdays /weekends 在周日/ 周末at around /about six o’clock 大约在6点have a (short) break 稍息一会儿in the spare time 在业余时间play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/足球play sports 做运动play the piano弹钢琴go dancing去跳舞sing songs 唱歌play computer games 玩电脑游戏watch TV 看电视for a (little) while一会儿read books 看书clean the house 打扫房间in the library 在图书管do one’s homework 做家庭作业listen to music 听音乐write letters写信go roller skating 去滑旱冰How often 多常once a week/ twice a week/ three times a day一星期一次/两次,一天三次Unit5 Topic 2at the moment /minute =now此刻talk with/to sb 与某人谈话wait a minute/moment 等一会儿on the shelf在书架上return =give sth back 归还 on time 准时on the playground 在操场上anything else /nothing else/what else什么别的,没有别的,别的什么between…and… 在…和…两者之间Here is/are… 这是…love/like doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

2、Unit 5 Topic 3have classes/lessons/have a class/ lesson上课 be over=end=finish 结束wait for sb/sth 等某人have to =must 必须think of /about 考虑do /try one’s best 尽力care about 担心learn from sb 向某人学习with great interest 有浓厚兴趣的Thank sb for (doing) sth 因为某事而感谢某人Best wishes 祝福你Unit 6 Topic 1on the second floor 在第二层Why not do sth =why don’t you do sth? 为什么不做某事?go upstairs 上楼have a look (at) 看一看Come in, please 请进so many nice books 这么多好看的书plant flowers / trees 种花/树have a bath 洗澡read books/newspapers 看书/报纸in/on the wall 在墙上play with 玩…, 和…玩put sth away 把…放好look after 照顾in/on the tree 在树上in front of 在…前面(范围外)in the front of 在…前面(范围内)get a letter from sb 收到某人的来信Unit 6 Topic 2be like 像…in an apartment building 在一个单元房里in the countryside 在农村in the suburbs 在郊区 in the area 在这个地区How about/What about (doing) sth …….怎么样?would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事go back to 回去 go back home 回家For Rent 出租(广告) Wanted 求租(广告)per month/week/year 每个月/星期/年call sb at +号码 打某人……电话think over=think about=think of 考虑a single room 一间单人房间a double-room house 一间双人房a 3-bedroom house一间3卧室的房间rent sth from sb. 向某人租….. 求租…rent sth to sb. 租给某人…... 出租…..around here 这周围on the street corner 在街角处There is something wrong with…….……有什么毛病?get sb to do sth.=ask sb to do sth.= let sb do sth. 让某人做某事.right now 马上,立刻.a lot of 许多.be close to / be near与…接近be far from 离…很远keep money 存钱 take trains 乘火车mail letters 寄信 see the doctor 看病hear sb doing sth . 听到某人正做某事.try to do sth. 试着做某事.such a station 这样的一个车站move from…to… 从…移到/搬到…at the end of… 在…末梢on the right 在右边The traffic is heavy. 交通拥挤enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事Unit 6 Topic 3go /walk across =cross 穿过on the corner of… 在…的拐弯处(be) across from… 穿过…, 在…对面on one’s /the way to在(某人)去某地的路上get to… 到达…get home /there/here(be) far away from… 远离…need to do sth. 需要做某事need do sth. 需要做某事change to the No.1 bus.转1路车。

3、a ticket for speeding(开车时)超速的罚单thousands of 成千的,好几千的get hurt=be hurt受伤in a road accident 在一次交通事故中make the road safe 使交通安全obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则keep on the right 保持向右行be clear 安全的/清洁的It is good to do sth 做某事很好blind people 盲人Unit7Topic 1next / last Saturday 下星期六/ 上星期六be fun/interesting 有趣plan to do sth. 计划做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事have a birthday party开一次生日晚会Would you like sth.你想要…… Would you like to do sth. 你想要做某事You bet./ Of course./ Sure./ Certainly.当然啦be born 出生use sth for doing sth 用于作… look up 查阅,查找 must be 一定是Unit7Topic2perform ballet 跳芭蕾舞 dance the disco跳迪斯科take photos ( of…) 照相 sing songs for sb.为某人唱歌take sth./sb. to sw 把某物带到某处take ***.with sb. 随身带上某物work out 算出 work on 演算 fly a kite / fly kites 放风筝 one year ago 一年前 two years ago两年前play table tennis 打乒乓球be good at (doing)sth 擅长做某事have a good time 玩得很开心Something is / was wrong with…什么有毛病with the help of ….在……的帮助下 make model planes.制作模型飞机Unit7Topic3It’s one’s turn. 轮到某人了What’s the matter?/What’s wrong?What’s up? 怎么啦?fall down 跌倒 happen to sb.发生在某人身上go to a movie =see a film = go to the cinema去看电影lie to sb. 对某人说谎tell a lie (to sb) 说谎 tell- toldtalk about 谈论 in fact 事实上sit around… 围坐在…make the cards 做卡片 make a silent wish 默默许愿write a letter to sb. / write to sb.写信给某人Unit 8 Topic 1climb mountains = go climbing爬山 go hiking 踏青make a snowman(snowmen) 做雪人in spring / summer / fall / winter 在春/夏/秋/冬like sth best 最喜欢 like sth better 更喜欢nice and =very, quite 很,挺 all day 整天be coming 就要来了 go on sth. 进行某事go on a trip 进行旅行 go out 出去 take an umbrella 带伞wear sunglasses 带太阳镜 wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服remember to do sth. 记住要去做某事 remember doing sth. 记住做过某事(be) the same as 与……一样travel to sw. 旅游到某地 wear an overcoat 穿一件大衣come back to life 复苏, 复活get warm 变暖和a hopeful season. 一个充满生机的季节。

4、A harvest season. 一个丰收的季节.come after 来自……之后 be busy doing sth.忙于做….last from…to…持续从……到last for 持续Unit 8 Topic2travel around 周游 take pictures/photos of… 拍……的照片hope to do sth. / hope (that)+句子 希望做某事next month 下个月 places of interest 名胜each of us 我们中的每一个人tell sb ***.about告诉某人关于……某事take off 拖掉,起飞 point to 指点 touch a child on the head 摸小孩的头do some touring 观光do some shopping/cleaning 买东西/做卫生need to do sth.需做某事 give sth. to sb. /give ***.sth. 给某人某物pass sth.to sb. /pass sb. sth. 递某物给某人 be friendly to sb 对某人友好 be different from 与……不同Unit 8 Topic3make dumpings 做饺子each other 相互,互相have families get together.举行家庭聚会on this day 在这一天 good luck 好运stay up 熬夜 send sth. to sb. 送某人某物play tricks on sb.= trick on sb 开某人玩笑 pick up摘,捡起 knock at/ on 敲on the night of 在……夜晚go touring / shopping 去旅行/ 购物enjoy a seven-day holiday享受7天的假期hold dragon boat races举行龙舟赛the capital of ……的首都,…….的省会go up 升起Best wishes to sb.! 致某人最好的祝愿on the eve of 在……前夕at midnight 在午夜put up 挂with最令某人高兴的是 To one’s joy取得很大的进步在户外in the open air与某人聊天 chat with互相 each other =with one another与某人相聚 have a get-together with很快,马上 (at)any minute now及时 in time匆忙in a hurry动身,出发 set off朝回走 head back朝回家的路走 head back home有一个美好的未来 have a great future期望做某事 look forward to doing sth.给某人一个拥抱 give a hug to sb.旅途平安 Have a safe flight!出去散步 go out for a walk。


